
Showing posts from December, 2018


Really into this song since the past few weeks. (Or maybe for the past month lol) I like the music of the song but then I don't really know what is the lyrics to it. Need to really search it, look at it and sing with it... Also, this song make me realise that my chinese suck as there are many words which I don't even know.  For example :  魑魅魍魎 ._.  Because I have never come across these four words, I applied the commonly used guideline .... Guideline for words you don't really know how to read AKA  有边读边 没边读中间 and apparently,  有边读边没边读中间 doesn't exactly work. if you take away the 鬼字旁from the four word, you will get 离未罔两 (li wei wang liang) But after adding the 鬼at the side, it becomes 魑魅魍魉 (Chi mei wang liang ) ._. Hmmm. Can't rely on this guideline anymore. hahahahah! Anyway, during this period of time I already seen the lyrics numerous times but I still can't since the song 100% without looking at the lyrics cause.... WHO THE HECK REMEMBERS A 5


时间过得好快啊! 今天已经是星期四了 感觉好像很多东西还没有做到 可是也感觉没什么东西做 (因为没人在催我了) 哎呀真的很不想要做工 但是我必须要把重要的东西在一月来临之前做完 除了做工以外, 我回去读全职法师了 但是要记得慢慢读要不然又要等了 前阵子一直在狂读 “全世界都知道我爱你” 所以没有时间更新 现在比较有时间了所以会比较常更新?

Busy December

We are reaching the end of the year and everyone is busy! There is a lot of things to do but then once again my output level is not fast enough. Not effective and not fast also. And I'm always picking the easier task to do cause I'm really lazy It's tiring cause I am still getting chased every day. Just not as often as the past few weeks. Life for this month is like work , OT, home and sleep. Work and home time I also rarely talk to anyone cause my eyes are glued to the screen. Can't wait to finish reading this novel "全世界都知道我爱你” I am almost finishing the novel. This novel has 2307 chapters and it is actually about how everyone (in that family) get their wife/husband lol. By everyone I mean the main lead , sister , brother, best friend, son, daughter, best friend son, Niece , nephew, daughter in law best friend... As long as single and in touch with people in their family. Not sure if the story will go till the grand kids. So you see many love stories in thi


之前我没有完全的坦诚所有的事 最后还是坦诚了 虽然还是被原谅 但是我有一点过不去 明明做错事的人是我 但是还是依旧被呵护被疼爱 而且反而被宠更多 以后真的要对人家好一点了 有些事真的只能成为一段美好的回忆 *这是11号就写好了 不知道为什么没有PO到 我还一直以为以上传了


一个礼拜的考试筹备时间就这样过了... 我根本什么都还没有读到好吗? 明天真的需要去花时间去读书了 这个学期学的东西我没有什么接触到 也没认真听过老师教课 所以完全不知道会出什么样的题目 工作上真的有很多东西需要赶 这几天都在加班 :( 没办法吧 熬完这个月就会好了 今天就先好好休息明天再赶路 工作上还有很多东西要赶 还在想要不要取消星期一的半天假 好像真的没有太多时间可以浪费 7天的时间就能产生很多的变化 我没有后悔 我觉得这是对我们大家最好的选择 明知是一个错就不要一直越陷越深 我们一直在线边缘也不太好... 我在中途做了一个“自杀行动” 我有一点后悔可是对方愿意原谅我 也算是一个很不错的结果 我也因为我的冲动举动 暂时的把我的自由放弃了 好友说我傻 明明能离开 为何还留下 都那么绝情的伤害了 为什么又心软了 那是因为 做错事的人是我 但是TA 却还要我留下 所以我们彼此再试一试吧 或许这样也对我比较好吧... 看戏看太多不太好 因为会想到很多不同的可能性 (What if) What if, 他不是真的原谅我 而只是为了以后能报复我叫我留下 可是那是不可能的吧 即使真的发生我也认了 反正是我现对不起人家 哎呀已经决定了所以, 我们就等着看过后的故事是怎样继续发展吧 😉😉😉