
Showing posts from June, 2019


人都是口是心非 选择权已经在你手上了 但做出的选择与心里的选择是不一致的 Oh why oh why are you so fickle minded~ oh why oh why you are this way ? 因为不管事情的大小都有太多人事物需要考虑 心里想要/做的的事 不敢轻易的说出来 不敢去尝试 不敢轻易答应/ 做出选择 怕被人占便宜 怕别人不认同 怕别人的目光 怕会被收控制 怕尽力却失败 怕被当众拒绝 怕历史会重演 怕经历艰难 怕当众出丑 怕别人嘲笑 怕经验不足 还有很多很多 没办法全都写下 结果没有尝试就放弃了 选择对外说一些自己并不想要 但是社会/身边的人会认同的路 把自己弄到很累很累 明明原本只要开口就能够得到的事 变成后来无法得到的事 机会不等人啊 难得来的机会 要记得好好把握 别想太多那些有的没的 今天错过的机会心里觉得好可惜 心里有点不平衡 很伤心...天仿佛知道我会伤心 陪着我心里的世界一起下雨 。。。 其实雨已经下了一段时间 也是那段雨带来的机会 是我自己没好好把握。。。

Throwback for the week....

It has been a very unproductive week cause I am physically very tired although I didn't do much things. Work was hectic! Both my site supervisor are on leave and I am left to liaise with the worker leader which I can't really communicate well with. Some contractors are MIA while some contractors are really nice and help us a lot in order for us to meet the deadlines. Still the dark times are not yet over. There are still a lot more work to be done at this site although we are supposed to be close to completion. One of my site supervisor will be back tomorrow... So I will have less thing on my plate to think about. Now what is left of the project is to ensure that the subcontractor get back to me with the schedules so that I can arrange work and ensure that work can be completed on time. Next week (tomorrow) I will have to focus on another project which has started (but we have yet to do anything) Hopefully I can get most of the paperwork done so that site can proceed w

Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya! Felt like nowadays I am only posting on Holidays + a few days after holidays. But I guess it is not really the case. Heheh ! Today is really just a day for me to laze around. Like all the other holidays, I didn't complete what I planned to do today. In fact, I even back out from one of my plans. (Flying my family aeroplane) Stayed on the bed for more than half the day as I was really tired... Also, I feel happy spending time on my own (as no one is at home) Watched shokugenki (food wars) on Netflix Listened and watched a few YouTube videos. Played the violin for awhile. Time flies when it is a public holiday. Soon it is time for dinner. And now, it's almost the next day. Got lots of work to rush tomorrow since I didn't touch them today. I don't think I will have the energy to continue working on them when I reach my partner's place later.