
Showing posts from October, 2020

累与忙 Tired and Busy

Previously, I've attended a seminar with a few people from my company. (Now Ex company) 之前我与我的同事参加了一个研讨会 It's my first time being in a Chinese Seminar and that Seminar 那是我第一次参加一个纯华语研讨会而那个研讨会 . . . BLOW 零 MY  我 MIND 震惊 Why is it mind blowing? 为何震惊? I realized that 因为我发现 1. I am really not used to listening to someone speak full Mandarin close to 8 hours 第一 我不是很习惯长时间听着别人用标准华语交谈 (虽然中间是有休息时间。) (Although we had breaks in between) 2. Our standard of Chinese in Singapore is so low 新加坡的华文程度好差。 Idioms are used widely in the seminar. 研讨会用了很多个成语.... In Singapore, idioms are seldom used in daily conversation so the number of idioms we know are quite limited. 在新加坡,我们很少会在日常生活中使用成语 所以我们懂的成语有限。   3. I suck at writing Chinese. 我不太会写华文字 They didn't allow us to take any video / voice recording. 研讨会是不应许录音/录像的 Notes are allowed but I didn't really take notes at the first part of the seminar 可以写笔记但是我在前半段的诗句没有写笔记 (Was sitting in front and feels a...

不要拖延时间. 今天的事情今天处理

很久没PO华文的日记 最近都在努力的改变自己, 想要变成更好的自己 可是我的人实在是太懒了 第一件事情还没有做完, 就已经在想着第二件事情 想着想着就把第一件事搁在一边 开始做第二件事情 结果所有的事情都只有头没有尾 可能因为一直以来我都是这样的人所以也习惯了这样的生活 但是我最近发现这其实让我浪费了很多宝贵的时间. 所以也正在努力的把自己的这个坏习惯改掉 现在半工半读, 发现时间真的很宝贵 一天只有二十四个小时 要如何把办公,念书 和日常融入在一起? 时间上的管理需要做到很好 :( 这一点我还需要努力努力 从六月开始到现在我一直说我会读书 可是到现在我还只是在玩游戏 浪费的不仅是时间,实际上还浪费钱 所以这次我的努力的读书用我后半段的考试把我的分数拉高. 现在晚了我要去睡了 再一次PO文应该是下个礼拜了 88 


Guess what's back? Back again? KFC's Grilled chicken! YAY! The signature grilled chicken is finally back! I am a great fan of the grilled chicken and personally thinks that they should put it as a permanent item in their menu. But I honestly doubt they will do that since the name of the fast food restaurant is called Kentucky FRIED chicken.  The first time when they were selling this in Singapore, I thought that it's going to be a permanent item on the menu as it was really in the stores for the longest time ever (For a seasonal item) In fact, it has been sold alongside with a few other seasonal items as well. It's back on the menu 3 days ago (5 October 2020) And I made my partner buy back from KFC on the very same day ! I feel that it is less tasty than previously, but then again, I'm not very sure because towards the ending, I was eating the hot blazed grilled chicken which was released after that. The signature grilled chicken in my eyes was never as good as the ...

Recess week

Recess week... (28 September 2020 - 4 October 2020) A week of break in between the semester so that you can catch up  on your studies for upcoming mid terms on life.. I initially thought that I will be doing most of my studying this week since I will be less distracted, But heck, I've been spending all my extra time on playing games; MapleSEA, Among Us as well as a game which have just been released on 28 September 2020.  Yes. The game I am referring to is Genshin Impact. My friends have been anticipating for the release of this game and have specifically mentioned in our group chat two weeks prior to the release.   On the release date (which is the date of launch), I decided that the game will take up too much of my time hence I told my friends that I'm not going to play with them.  (I mean you can't really play together as well unless in co-op mode.) But I ended up giving in after 2 days of their constant bombard of game discussion in the group chat. The graphics ...

Back in action.

  It’s been a long time since I last posted anything on this website. Circuit breaker – OVER PHASE 1 – OVER Phase 2 – Ongoing Singapore GE 2020 – OVER Phase 3 -Upcoming. I thought I will be writing more during circuit breaker, but I am really so into playing my game that I ended up spending ALL my time on it. In fact there are many things I wanted to do during circuit breaker but I have not come close to even starting it. List of things that I wanted to do during Circuit breaker Pick up Violin again Play Maplestory Learn how to cook Read up on things I’ve learn in poly to get ready for part time uni  Find something to sell. There are more things that I wanted to do but I’m not going to list all here right now. So, what have I been doing? I’ve been playing Maplestory SEA all night and day during Circuit breaker With the occasional work out and cooking with mum. Looking back, it felt like I’ve wasted a great amount of time playing MaplestorySEA. In fact it felt like I waste my w...