累与忙 Tired and Busy
Previously, I've attended a seminar with a few people from my company. (Now Ex company) 之前我与我的同事参加了一个研讨会 It's my first time being in a Chinese Seminar and that Seminar 那是我第一次参加一个纯华语研讨会而那个研讨会 . . . BLOW 零 MY 我 MIND 震惊 Why is it mind blowing? 为何震惊? I realized that 因为我发现 1. I am really not used to listening to someone speak full Mandarin close to 8 hours 第一 我不是很习惯长时间听着别人用标准华语交谈 (虽然中间是有休息时间。) (Although we had breaks in between) 2. Our standard of Chinese in Singapore is so low 新加坡的华文程度好差。 Idioms are used widely in the seminar. 研讨会用了很多个成语.... In Singapore, idioms are seldom used in daily conversation so the number of idioms we know are quite limited. 在新加坡,我们很少会在日常生活中使用成语 所以我们懂的成语有限。 3. I suck at writing Chinese. 我不太会写华文字 They didn't allow us to take any video / voice recording. 研讨会是不应许录音/录像的 Notes are allowed but I didn't really take notes at the first part of the seminar 可以写笔记但是我在前半段的诗句没有写笔记 (Was sitting in front and feels a...