Back in action.

 It’s been a long time since I last posted anything on this website.

Circuit breaker – OVER


Phase 2 – Ongoing

Singapore GE 2020 – OVER

Phase 3 -Upcoming.

I thought I will be writing more during circuit breaker, but I am really so into playing my game that I ended up spending ALL my time on it.

In fact there are many things I wanted to do during circuit breaker but I have not come close to even starting it.

List of things that I wanted to do during Circuit breaker

  • Pick up Violin again

  • Play Maplestory

  • Learn how to cook

  • Read up on things I’ve learn in poly to get ready for part time uni 

  • Find something to sell.

There are more things that I wanted to do but I’m not going to list all here right now.

So, what have I been doing?

I’ve been playing Maplestory SEA all night and day during Circuit breaker

With the occasional work out and cooking with mum.

Looking back, it felt like I’ve wasted a great amount of time playing MaplestorySEA.

In fact it felt like I waste my whole circuit breaker since I did not progress much in real life.

But I did not regret it since I have met so many awesome people on Maple.

We sang through discord and Quan Ming Party. We've slacked and grind through the nights, having fun with each other. Too bad that all the fun times have came to an end with the Circuit breaker

Now that circuit breaker is over, I’m back at my partners place and I also have to go back to office daily to work. On top of that, my part time studies have started, it is even harder for me to manage my time since I want to still continue playing my games and still be able to go out in the weekends. (Since we weren't able to meet during circuit breaker.) But despite all that, I think I will try and find time to write more often.


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