
Showing posts from March, 2019


其实从很早很早的时候 就已经发现我们没有办法满足对方的性趣 曾今的我有想过要不要因此分手 因为那对我来说我挺喜欢的东西 也是我需要的东西 但是当时的我也很喜欢彼此单纯的在一起 想了想, 这是一个可以学习个人喜好, 越做越好, 越做越觉得我们很匹配的事情 所以没有分开 但是三年后我们依然没办法满足彼此.... 不知道到底能做什么才能够做得更好 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 哎呀今天就写到这里 有太多太多东西向要想要PO  但是因为个人隐私觉得别PO 比较好 反反复复做同样的事; 写了又删 生活中太多事了 终是想太多 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨天又开始了新的漫话 "豪门的私宠宝贝" 一直看到4.30AM 才睡 今早起来时, 好想拿病假不上班  继续在家读 但是没办法啦! 工作很多没有办法不要上班 :(


有人问我能否把发生过的事情当作没发生过 我当时想了很久却想不到怎样答 最后也没有回答.... 如果是说我自己,我觉得时间能冲淡一切 虽然今天会很在意, 可是过了几天就不会了 人往往都是向前看的。 时间久了认识新人或没联络了 就足已把对方忘了 当然, 也需要看各人 有些人能把事情...

2019 Goals Review 2

Haven't been posting for a long time. Been spending hours at work and also watching netflix, reading manga & playing Royal chaos that I don't have more time to write about my life. Also, there nothing much that is interesting hence I didn't post. I mean even if there is anything I find interesting, I write them halfway, leave it in the drafts and now it's outdated! So, the chances of me taking it out from the draft to publish is quite low? Anyway, we have entered a new month and it is time for my Goal Review. 3 goals previously set and I think I am going to forfeit 2 goal or bring the deadline of the goal further back. 1.Plan a short trip / staycation with my partner before May this year I am forfeiting this goal because my partner doesn't want to spend money on a staycation / a short trip this year. 2. 每个月要主动带伴侣出门一次 During the first date of the year, I wrote my partner a letter about the date of our next date together with the location. However ...