
01 out of 12!

Happy Lunar New Year Everyone! It's the third day of LNY and for most people in SG, work / school has restarted and everyone has gone on to living their regular lives except for some small group of people like me who is still on leave. LNY this year is awesome! We can't really go out and bainian since it has been less than a year since the passing of my dad. (Some says that it's ok for me to bainian cause I'll have to follow my husband family now that I'm married.) So we went on a cruise before LNY and came back on the 2nd day of LNY. I may want to write about my cruise trip but it will be on another post. Stay tune for it. But if it doesn't appear with in the month of February, you know that I have procrastinated and gave up on it :O It's the last day of the month! So I guess it's time for goal review and also some reflection of things that has happened in the month. First up.  GOAL REVIEW! 

Hello 2025! Goal Recap & Goal Settings

New Year New  Old Me! Hoping to become a better me in the year 2025! First post of 2025 after the 2024. Do we need any recap for 2024? I think yes. It's time for the goal recap and let me list the 4 which I have written on the previous post.  Action done and whether I achieve those goals will be in red but honestly, I didn't think I did cause I wrote it and forgot about it.  1. Finish up all the work I've been procrastinating on. As a serial procrastinator, I think this is literally impossible.  I did try to complete a few things as soon as possible but my backlog still exist. 2. Spend time to reorganize the space I have at home.  [3 Areas I think I could get it to work before the end of the year] Targeted Area - Kitchen - Wardrobe - Study Basically, I did try to clear all 3 areas but it is still not to my satisfaction. Kitchen is still a tough place I need to tackle. But I think I'm almost done with the study room.  Wardrobe side still need lots of improve...

First post in Year 2024

It's been close to a year since I last post anything here. So much things has happened during the time I've stop posting till now. The year felt like it just zoomed past and we are now approaching the end of year. While many things has happened, but it felt like I didn't do much this year. Procrastination level increased and it's hard for me to get things done due to the monkey in my head. With slightly more than a month left to go to the end of the year, I will hope to finish up all the things I've been dreading to do. I wonder if there's a button that can turn me into a workaholic so I can focus on all my work task. 1. Finish up all the work I've been procrastinating on. 2. Spend time to reorganize the space I have at home.  [3 Areas I think I could get it to work before the end of the year] Targeted Area - Kitchen We didn't plan much for the kitchen space when we did the built in cabinets in the kitchen since we don't really cook prior to owning a...

Drifting Apart

Hey! It's been a long time since I last posted. It's the end of the year now and I feel like there are just so many things in life that is going on that I want to rant about.  Adulting is hard and relationship is hard to maintain :'( I really felt dam sad when I wasn't invited to a Christmas Party that I've been going for 3 years just because they really don't want my partner to be around. No mention about it not even last minute. I mean I know it is happening but I'm not sure whether I should ask about it since they did not mention it to me. Honestly, I'm very confused cause like I think they wont stop me if I asked about it but at the same time I feel sad that they didn't ask me.  I was so upset that when I saw the post on Instagram, I DM-ed the host to asked her why I was not invited. I later deleted the message (before she sees it) cause it's kinda pointless since it already happened and that I can guess the answer and it's probably not g...

Procrastination :O

It seems like it's pretty hard for me to stick to the goals I have set due to me always procrastinating. I am always giving in to the monkey in my head. The battle against the need for instant gratification is real.  I want to reap the results but I don't really want to work for it :(.  While it doesn't sound fair but then that's what it is. Right now, I really just want to work on finding a system that will work for me at home and at work so that I can become more productive, organized and actually gives great output instead of wasting precious time on things that does not matter as much. Work has been hectic as there is a lot of things to handle right now. Yet I still find time to procrastinate whenever I get small and little things done. I think that should not be the case cause the project needs to be completed by November and we are still trying to figure out what is happening. Seems like I really need to step up my game and start to push for more output else I wil...