Coca-Cola Clear

Coca Cola Clear have been here in Singapore for a month plus and I finally get to try it today!
The reason why I only tried it today is because it cost like $2.9 here and I don't want to spent so much on a soft drink!

So the bottle looks like this!
I think most people who haven't get a taste of how this drink taste like,
thinks that the drink will most likely turn out like plain water / bland in taste.

Though, it really doesn't taste like the original Coca Cola.

It has a taste similar to Sprite yet not really Sprite.

It's not as bad as we think. At least it still taste decent.
But I wouldn't spend $2.90 on a drink like that though.
hence I will probably not drink it again.
Unless someone offer it to me just like today.

Anyway, now that I start to drink less soft drinks in my life,
I'm starting to find that I don't really enjoy such drinks anymore.
Maybe you should cut down on such drinks as well.
Afterall they do more harm than good to your body.

(Milestone unlocked cause I tried a new drink!)

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