Stop being lazy

Just when you think that all is well and the skies ahead is pretty blue,
the sky suddenly turn grey and the next moment you realized that thunderstorm is approaching and BOOM!
A lightning bolt just hit a tree you walk past a few minutes ago....

Just when you were feeling lucky that the lightning bolt didn't hit you,
another flash came by and 

It didn't hit me. Or at least not yet.

Right now, it felt like there are external forces trying to hit our team.
Morale is down cause there is really little things we can do against the external forces.

External forces are trying to gather back the old forces back. Which means that someone in the team will have to go.

I am in dilemma because I like both the old and the new and would pretty much preferred that BOTH of them stay. I don't want to be made to choose between the old and the new and at the same time, I don't want both of them to be gone.

However, I do not hold the power to change the decision of the authorities.
Right now, the verdict have not been passed and our team really have to buck up and show some improvements otherwise it will be even harder to get the happy ending I want. :(

But right not the game is almost over. It's already kinda hard to turn the tide.
Please let there be a miracle and give me a happy ending.

Discussed with my team mates to be more hardworking and start improving!
Have to brainstorm and think of how we can better improve work processes and work on it asap.
So might not be free to always write a proper post. 

I mean post will be as usual?
A few days one post I guess.

I should probably aim to post on every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
(3 times a week.)

But of course see availability and whether I got enough energy to write a post.
It's also hard for me to write a post sometimes cause I prefer to write it when I am alone.
Anyway, It's late now.

Gonna post another day.

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