Take the first step. Create and stick to the changes.

Me being such a lazy person,
I really dislike having changes in my life.
But I also understand that changes are unavoidable.
There are changes that I must make to become a better person be it for my health, for work / for people around me. 

The thing is that, if you want to be successful / to be able to have more time to do something, then you have to take the first step and make changes to your life in order to work towards your goal.

This year, I've made one change which I did to my life and is currently still sticking with it.
That change is to drink less can drinks.
Well, I mean I still drink can drinks from time to time....
But not as much.

The reason why I made the change is because
I want to become slimmer without exercise.
It's not that I'm very fat in real life but I just want to look better for myself. 
and that I think that cutting down on can drinks is a workable way
(1st, save money... 2nd, it's readily available... 3rd, it is healthier!)

Anyway, my initial plan for this year is to lose weight and train to have a lil bit of abs
So I started with doing bed exercises. 
(Cause I lazy to go out and exercise and I spend most of my time on bed when I'm at home)
But I only do it when I am at my own house.
Kinda too embarrassed to do it at my partner's place.
And I spend most of my time at my partner's place so I end up not doing it anymore.
I think I probably can start it again next year when I spend more time at my own place instead.

Another change which I am trying to make for the longest time ever is to wake up early and start doing things that I want to do. 
Eg. Backlog from work, planning work schedule, writing blog, watching Youtube videos and reading about what I want to learn/pick up
But then, I am really lazy la even if I do wake up, I end up lazing around on bed and reading novels / Mangas. Nothing much on personal development.

Nowadays, I try to go to work earlier at around 8am so that I could use the office computer to do my own work (So that there is no need to pay electricity bills?)
But I end up working earlier as there is really a lot of backlog due to me and my constant need to procrastinate at work.

I guess now the bigger problem is how to get rid of  minimize procrastination at work 
I really should complete all the task I set myself to complete instead of always thinking that I have more time and I can complete them in a flash.

In actual fact, once I procrastinate then there wont be enough time to do it anymore.
:(. I kinda regret taking leave on Monday now.
There is too many things which I haven‘t done and I need to get it done by Tuesday?!
Need to go to office real early on Tuesday to get it done. 

Now, my TCM is asking me to try and add nap into my daily routine.
I mean HOW?!
I think it is kinda impossible but then I think I have to work it out somehow.
She told me even a 10 minute nap would be sufficient. 
Have to really plan it out. Maybe I should stop going lunch with my usual lunch group since they walk till so far. :( Gonna work out something....

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