Circuit Breaker Day 3

Day 3 of "Circuit breaker measures"

Working from home  -> very inefficient cause I keep thinking of doing other things
If work is being done on a turtle pace when we are back in office, that means work is being done on a snail pace.

I think I made progress from Day 2.
I was spending more time off work on Day 2 than day 3.
but still, I'll need to start to do more.
Although it is off work timing now,
But I think there is a need for me to continue working so that I will eventually get things done.

Tomorrow is good friday.
Since I also can't go out, Might as well spend the night doing work so I can slack of some other time.

Time to try and finish up what I'm supposed to complete today while waiting for my maple mirror link for full client to finish downloading.

Didn't go out for anything today.
Family members cooked for me.
I feel bad making them cook and not contributing most of the time.
But I can't cook so. Better just eat the food they provide.

The electrical bill for this month is going to be higher than usual because everyone is at home and I'm using 2 computer. Have to contribute  this month electricity bill since I don't have to spend any dollar on any thing else.

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