Exam is over

It's the first exam of my uni life and I did really badly for it.
I'm not sure if I can even pass the module since I didn't really study for it.
Started studying too late and I couldn't get everything into my mind.
I guess it is really hard for part time student like us.

Maybe I should reconsider whether I want to continue pursuing the degree.
I spoke to a few people and they have advised me to press on especially when I have already taken the first step.

I guess I'll have to study the module I just took even though exams are just over.(Since there is a high chance I will need to repeat the module again)

Also, the module, Math & Physics are really the fundamental to the whole entire course.
So I ought to get the basics right before I move on to harder and more complicated modules

Meanwhile, I've been playing hard these days since I did not get to play much of the games I want to play during the recess week. I ended up spending most of the time on work and also watching videos.

The monkey in my head is telling me not to study whenever I want to study (That's me procrastinating)
I really need to find a way to stop procrastinating.

This covid situation really brings the laziness out of me :(
Gonna work on myself more so that I can be more productive.


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