Back after a long hiatus.

It's been a long time since I last posted.

So much things has happened to me within the past 3 months!

  1. I caught COVID @.@
  2. I have given in to my addiction of gaming & quitted my part time degree course
  3. I am trying to focus & do better at work so that I can get pay raise without having a degree cert.
  4. I am starting a twitch & Youtube Channel for my gaming content.
  5. I've started going to pole dancing with a few of my family members.
I feel that item 1 & 2 could have been a post on it's own but I haven't find the time to write about them yet.
In fact, the post was started and written quarter way and saved as draft for slightly over a month right now.

I feel like I have wasted so much time in the past few months although I have so many things I wanted to do. 

I think maybe it is time to look into what I want to achieve for the remaining of the year and set targets so that I can reach the goal. I haven't been living life with a goal in mind ever since I decided & quit my part time degree course.

My Partner has been really patient with me although he is really frustrated about the amount of time I spend on games &/ whatever things I wanted to do after work and not spending time with him. (I also decided that I should give up on being secretive about my gender cause it's really restrictive on how I should go about writing my post and the range of topics I could have write about.)

My objective for this week is to
  1. Learn & Set up the necessary for my first live twitch streaming (Which I have told my friends I would do this week.)
  2. Publish my first Youtube Video.
  3. Spend more time with my partner.
It's really late right now so I think I'm just heading to bed.
Hopefully I won't become a zombie in the morning (Which I think I would be.)


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