
Time is really something you need to grab on to.
It's precious yet it is easily wasted.

There were many times whereby I wanted to bring some order to my life by setting targets and routines.
Yet I fail again and again due to lack of discipline.
No motivation and discipline to finish what I have started. 

I know it is affecting my everyday life but it is so hard to change!
Habits are hard to change and that whatever changes made can easily be reverted once the motivation is gone. :(

It's been a good 6 months since I last posted and so much have happened in my life.
One thing that remain constant and maybe gotten even worse is my procrastination bug.
The monkey in my head that just want to play and play all day instead of working for things

Biggest change in my life is I finally get the keys to my house! Renovation is currently taking place and I couldn't wait for renovation to be completed!
We decided to proceed with the renovation with an ID instead of finding individual contractors as it will be great to have someone to coordinate the job for us instead of us coordinating.

However, the ID we have signed the contract with doesn't coordinate the project very well. 
We ended up being the one chasing him and pressing him and letting him know about the potential issues and problems which may surface during the job. 

Of course, we are also a problem client who have minor design changes here and there.
So there are many delays. On top of the delay from the main contractor of our project as there are many defects in the house when we first gotten it.

It felt like if we self coordinated the job with an external contractor, we would have already completed the renovation and moved in.

Some of my neighbours have already moved in! 
I can't wait to move in then I will get my own space to do the things I want to do!
Will I be more hardworking and start working on those things I've always wanted to do when I have the space??? I'm not sure but I guess I will curb on my game addiction and work towards my goals.

Currently the construction under the blocks are still on-going. 
I think it's fucked up because I was expecting to receive keys to my flat with amenities together!
But now I've been paying the fees for a few months and the amenities are still building!
On top of that, access to my estate have not been fully open up to the public.
There are still hoardings everywhere since the construction is not fully completed.

For that, everyone is blaming it on COVID which rightfully so due to manpower and material shortages. Even for me, COVID plays a part for fueling my procrastination due to the fact that I could work from home and that everyone is more lenient on the timeline due to the fact that this virus is around. As COVID has been around for a few years, it's very hard to adjust back to how life was before COVID happened.

It's been a long time and I've yet to get back to my pre-COVID state of mind. Hopefully, by the time I move into my new house, the new environment will spark the motivation make changes to my state of mind and lifestyle habits.

I guess I shall start by writing more regularly.
See ya.


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