Procrastination :O

It seems like it's pretty hard for me to stick to the goals I have set due to me always procrastinating.
I am always giving in to the monkey in my head. The battle against the need for instant gratification is real. 

I want to reap the results but I don't really want to work for it :(. 
While it doesn't sound fair but then that's what it is.

Right now, I really just want to work on finding a system that will work for me at home and at work so that I can become more productive, organized and actually gives great output instead of wasting precious time on things that does not matter as much.

Work has been hectic as there is a lot of things to handle right now.
Yet I still find time to procrastinate whenever I get small and little things done.
I think that should not be the case cause the project needs to be completed by November and we are still trying to figure out what is happening.

Seems like I really need to step up my game and start to push for more output else I will suffer in the upcoming weeks. 

----- Off topic -----

House Renovation is coming to an end next week. I can't wait to move to my new house but we still have lots of thing to work on at home. 
SO keeps getting upset as he feels like he was the one doing most of the work during the renovation process. 

Honestly, I feel like since we hired an ID, we should just let the ID handle everything instead of us taking leave, off and WFH to watch over the contractors. 

While yes, it is good for us to give instant feedback so that they can rectify ASAP / avoid doing it wrongly, but it is also very taxing on us. 

Aiya. SO wants to do it this way then I guess the only thing I could do is it let his nagging go out through the other ear. 



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