01 out of 12!
Happy Lunar New Year Everyone!
It's the third day of LNY and for most people in SG, work / school has restarted and everyone has gone on to living their regular lives except for some small group of people like me who is still on leave.
LNY this year is awesome! We can't really go out and bainian since it has been less than a year since the passing of my dad. (Some says that it's ok for me to bainian cause I'll have to follow my husband family now that I'm married.) So we went on a cruise before LNY and came back on the 2nd day of LNY.
I may want to write about my cruise trip but it will be on another post. Stay tune for it. But if it doesn't appear with in the month of February, you know that I have procrastinated and gave up on it :O
It's the last day of the month!
So I guess it's time for goal review and also some reflection of things that has happened in the month.
First up.
Drink at least 2L of PLAIN water
This is the easier one for me to follow except on days where water refill is not readily available or that I'm not at home or office for example: I haven't been during much water while I'm on the cruise.
After trying to follow this for the past 29 days, I think during 2L of plain water may be too much for me especially on days I do not exercise as I also have other intakes of water. So, I am going to change this goal to drinking at least 1.5L of PLAIN water daily instead as it makes it easier for me to track since I'm using a 1.5L water bottle and that it's more achievable. It will not make me feel like I'm tired of drinking water.
Start the day by 7.15AM
Yikes! This is really hard to follow. It really depends on what time I sleep the night before and the question I ask myself every day is ; DO I REALLY NEED TO FORCE MYSELF TO WAKE UP SO EARLY?
The answer was yes but it's now its a no. So I have decided to stop making this a goal and just wake up at whatever time I NEED to. Actually, The goal now is just to reach work on time at 8.30AM instead of 9AM every day.
Maybe 7.30AM instead of 7.15AM.
End the day by packing for the next day
This is something I want to cultivate as a habit cause it really reduces the time you need to take to get ready and get out of the house. However, I really find it hard to follow especially when I reach home late and can't wait to shower and get on bed.
Spend time at the end of the day to schedule for the next day and stick to the plan. (Probably 10minutes)
So, I planned for almost every day but NO I DIDNT STICK TO THE PLAN.
Sticking to the plan is hard! I think I need to allocate more time for certain things.
I always allocate too little time to complete something as I was confident that I could finish before.
Apparently that is not the case and I really need more time to complete all the task I have on hand especially I really have a lot of backlogs now with more projects coming in.
So I guess I'll have to plan at least 2-3 small things that I can complete and really aim to achieve those 2-3 things and MORE.
Spend at least 10minutes to stretch at the start of each day or/and at the end of each day.
This only happened for the first few days and then I stopped. cause I rather be lazing and watching more tiktok videos than actually doing the stretch. BUT! Seriously, I need to start doing this cause it's good for me. Maybe 10 minutes felt too long for me to want to start so I should put 5 minutes instead.
Debrief for Goals
Goal for Month of February will be.
1. Drink at least 1.5L of PLAIN water every day
2. Start the day by 7.30AM
3. End the day by packing for the next day
4. Spend time at the end of the day to schedule for the next day. Make sure items are split into smaller parts so that it is more achievable. Plan to complete at least 2-3 items a day.
5. Spend at least 5 minutes to stretch at the start of each day or/and at the end of each day.
Sometime in December I was approached by someone who has worked with me before to join their team in their company. They have offered me a job which I find tempting (cause of the jobscope) but I really do not have any push factors to leave my current company for them.
My Partner highly encouraged me to join them since I've been in my current company for 5 years and that it's about time to leave already. But honestly, the offer is not that tempting for me to want to leave.
1. Possible night shifts - But flexible day time work timing.
2. Small team with flexible boss. (My boss is also pretty flexible so I'm not sure about going over)
3. 10% increment from my current pay. (Actually less than but close.)
4. About 1hour + Traveling time to the office. (Not that I'll be based in office but will be handling other sites so will have to travel much more compared to my current company.) (Hence the need to wake up earlier as my goal to ease myself to getting into my new job.) My current office is just a 20minute walk away.
Anyway, this has been tormenting me for a really long time so I decided to do my Bazi Analysis to see if Metaphysics tells me that I should change my job. Actually, the Analysis will take a few days so I'm left to think about it for a few days before I get my analysis done.
While waiting for my analysis to be completed and also the dates where I meet up with the person doing my analysis to talk about it, I've have decided that maybe I should just gamble and just switch.
So I've written a resignation letter with the help of ChatGPT. However, I fell sick on the day I wanted to hand in my resignation letter so I did not proceed with resignation.
Since I did not proceed with my resignation on the date I was intending to, I asked for more time to decide and I still could not make up my mind if I should leave or not. Then soon after, I have met up with the person doing my Bazi Analysis. It was such a relief session cause she told me that she do not recommend me to change job this year due to various reasons in the chart.
I felt super relieved cause I really believe in it and decided not to change my job.
So it's back to me and my usual routine. (Not really I still need to wake up earlier so that I can match my time with everyone else in the company instead of during covid days. but instead of 7.15AM I think I can afford to wake up at 7.30 - 8AM instead.
I'm also super relieved cause this means that my timing are more fixed and I can schedule my exercise days properly.
This Job offer had me asking everyone around me. Saw so many point of view and had many good advice from plenty of people which adds on to my dilemma on whether to stay or leave.
Now that I have rejected the offer, I've to proceed and continue to work hard in my current company.
Need to also give the company a reason to keep me. Heheh.
At current work, we are getting new projects and I'm finally working with other people.
While working with other people means I have to attend more meetings and really hit the deadlines but I guess it's better than working on my own. I don't really like that but I guess I don't hate it too. There's so much more freedom in it.
I mean with more people in the team, you will also learn much more. But then I'm a bit upset cause the current team is not teaming. There is no rapport and everyone is just going on doing their own things.
Our team leader is not leading. But there are outputs so I guess the project will just move on fine.
But seriously, it's a small project with not much time left. It felt like the team did not feel any urgency yet.
omg! No urgency like me! I need to start working....
Home wise it's still messy AF.
Apparently home organisation takes time and require lots of research.
Our renovation is a done deal. There's no point regretting what could have been done.
We can only proceed to see if we can make it better.
I'm not sure if I can get everything ready by the mid of this year.
Items ordered from taobao also take time to arrive.
Still thinking of how to organize the house to make it better.
Currently Kitchen space is really hard to use.
I also seem to have too many trash in the storeroom.
Travelled quite a bit in 2024.
Haven't plan much travels in 2025 due to the lack of money.
Borrowed too much money to friends and have yet to receive any money back.
I'm in a pickle cause I totally forgot that I haven't pay my credit card bills and I loan my friend the sum of money I had.
Sucks cause it affects my credit score. :(
Gonna make better financial decision this year.
Stop loaning people money or make sure they pay me the interest.
At this point I'm not sure if I'm getting back my money since I'm all they think about when they need money but they don't come back to me returning money + they even ask me for more money when I ask them back for money. Sucks.
OCBC Sucks.
So apparently, I called to CANCEL the card.
They said no problem.
They will cancel it but they will have another team of person calling in regards to the cancellation.
In my head I'm like why? do they need to call me. I thought you will cancel it ?
So eventually the call came and they insist that I keep at least one card saying that they have a promotion and I can get a $50 cashback just by completing 5 transaction with the card.
I keep saying no but the person say please just keep one card.
I'm like no cause I don't use it but the person keep insisting.
I'm like busy af and just say ok so that this person can be done and end the call.
It's been like close to a month since it happened.
And you know what? I've yet to even make any transaction with the card.
Now I need to make another call to them so that they can cancel that horrible card.
Honestly I don't care about the $50 cashback. JUST CANCEL THE DAMN CARD.
Waste of my time.
OK the post is getting lengthier and lengthier so I guess it's time for me to go.
See ya!
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